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Our project The Far North is an attempt to follow in the footsteps of Amundsen, Franklin, Bering, Bogucki… Far in the North, a part of our wandering nature rests frozen in the ice. On a proven and sturdy sailing yacht, we will set out to the waters of the Arctic, into the remote realms of the far North, beyond the bounds of civilization.



7-day cruises on the s/y Southern Star through the icy waters of West Svalbard

Expedition _The Far North 2024_ Navigare Yacht Club - photo SV Southern Star Spitsberg cou


Want to prove yourself? Join us on the most demanding stages of our Expedition

Life is meant for having dreams. Dreams are meant to be transformed into goals, and goals are meant to keep us having dreams. The expedition to Northern Norway and Spitsbergen is the realization of a dream of the need for freedom and forging paths where humans do not tread every day.

The Arctic Ocean tempts with its inaccessibility. Voyages around the North Pole, the North West Passage, the North East Passage, Greenland, and Spitsbergen are expeditions that toughen character, journeys in which we affirm our existence.

The goal of the 2024 expedition is Spitsbergen and Northern Norway. We will sail to Svalbard, the White Archipelago, to the home of polar bears… There were no Romans here, no Vikings, and no Inuits. This is a world of whalers, vagabonds, and sea proven captains… a land of loners who like and know how to be outside the everyday world.

If you can and want to take a moment to slow down, pause in the majesty of nature, mountains, fjords, and glaciers, immerse yourself in the silence interrupted only occasionally by chunks of ice breaking with a resounding crash into the depths of the ocean, then sail with us to the land of eternal ice. Here, by listening to the silence of the wilderness, you can sometimes hear the whispers of lonely in their exile, ancient Scandinavian gods.

The Svalbard Archipelago is a group of islands, among which Spitsbergen is the only inhabited one. It is located 1,000 kilometers from the North Pole.

If you plan for wild nights, shopping sprees, or museum visits – this is not the journey for you. However, if you can slow down, pause, and see the majesty of nature, mountains, fjords, glaciers, flowing for hundreds of years through the continent only to collapse into the depths of the ocean with a resounding crash, then Svalbard is a place worth being.

Here, when landing under clear skies, you can witness a true Ice Age. This is the most remarkable aspect of this area: nature, which is the true host in every sense of the word (the population of 3,500 polar bears is not ignored here). Therefore, when asked who Spitsbergen appeals to, guides answer: naturalists, photographers, scientists, and those who enjoy going wild.

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